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Catholic Men's Conference 2025 - Poster (1).png

The Catholic School of Evangelization

2025 Catholic Mens Conference

The Catholic School of Evangelization and select Catholic men's groups from across Manitoba are happy to present this new initiative, a Catholic men's conference. This Conference is being held in response to a growing number of men seeking support in their faith and vocation as men in the Church today. We will be bringing into perspective true masculinity, the vocation of fatherhood and the path of forgiveness and healing.  We will be providing the opportunity for a real encounter with Christ and an empowerment session to receive the gifts foretold by St. Paul. The gifts of men need to be ignited and stirred into flames for Jesus.

To pay by check or cash please contact us at or call 204-347-5396

Meet the Speaker

Fr. Kenneth Leblanc

Father LeBlanc grew up with his family in New Brunswick next to the Trappist monastery in Rogerville where he attended mass and later pursued a vocation to the priesthood. He comes from a family of lumberjacks, loves God's nature and has a passion for ministry. He is bilingual and is currently based in Calgary where he is chaplain to a lay association of Regnum Christi. 

Father LeBlanc preaches retreats, leads spiritual exercises, renewal sessions and parish missions. As an instrument of encounter, he tries to bring people to a real union with God, through prayer, and creating a space where individuals can encounter Christ!


Date & Time

May 9th from 7:00-9:00
May 10th from 8:30-4:00
Lunch provided on Saturday


St-Emile Catholic Church

556 St. Anne's Rd, Winnipeg, MB


$60 regular price
$20 for students​​

A donation receipt of $30 will be issued on all full price tickets. We want all men to be able to benefit from this life changing event. Anyone that cannot afford the cost is encouraged to contact us at for assistance.

To pay by check or cash please contact us at or call 204-347-5396

Catholic Men's Conference 2025 - Poster.png

Meet our Partners

Exodus 90 exists for men to be uncommonly free. “For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1). Freedom Is Not Just for 90 Days. We offer daily personal formation for men to keep your journey going year-round following the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.
HEROIC MEN strengthens men to become missionary disciples, to bring more men to Jesus Christ. Get the best Catholic media for men on our brotherhood-building platform - let's leave no man behind.
Add Knights of Columbus description here
That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!
Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
Box 570, 60 Nadeau Place, Saint Malo, MB., R0A 1T0

Phone: 204-347-5396 Fax: 866-636-7783


Registered Charity: # 13441 2998 RR0001

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