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We rely on the generous support of our donors, and we pray for our donors by name every day in our chapel.


How to donate to the CSE and its ministries

We use Zeffy (formerly Simplyk), the only platform for non-profits giving us 100% of your donations. Other services like PayPal, CanadaHelps, and even automatic debits deduct a portion of the donation as a transaction fee. Zeffy processes the transaction without any deductions (an optional contribution to support them will be suggested at confirmation).

Even better, Zeffy processes your year-end tax receipt directly, reducing the workload for our office staff.

You can use this for both one-time and recurring donations.

1 - Online through our secure Zeffy account

Send an e-transfer to

This is registered for autodeposit and goes directly into our bank account. If the donation is for a specific purpose, you can add a comment and we will honour that.

2 - E-Transfer
Online banking
Signing Check
3 - Send us a cheque or money order

Make out a cheque or money order to:

Catholic School of Evangelization

PO Box 570

St. Malo MB  R0A 1T0

Income tax receipts will be provided for any donation of $10 or more. Thank you!

Income Tax receipts
Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
Box 570, 60 Nadeau Place, Saint Malo, MB., R0A 1T0

Phone: 204-347-5396 Fax: 866-636-7783


Registered Charity: # 13441 2998 RR0001

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  • St. Malo Catholic Camps Facebook
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