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Forming Disciples
The Discipleship Formation Program is a year for young Catholics to live in community, to study the Catholic faith with the head and the heart, to develop their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to grow in their missionary zeal through evangelization and ministry.
COMMUNITYBuilding strong community through sharing life stories and spiritual journeys. We believe in the virtues of community living and strive to create strong relationships. Our community follows a rule of life that helps us stay grounded and focused on our spiritual journeys. We also prioritize regular community gatherings and communal study habits to help us grow together.
PRAYERCommunal and personal prayer are essential for a fulfilling year and it's practiced in many different ways. Participate in regular masses, holy hours of adoration, the rosary, liturgy of the hours, and prayer meetings which can all deepen your relationship with God and lay a foundation of faith for the rest of your life.
SPIRITUALITYStudents receive guidance in directing their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and a life empowered by the Holy Spirit, leading to a love of God, neighbor and self. Rooted in the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, students foster a love of the Eucharist, devotion to our Blessed Mother, and the use of the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit as essential elements for sanctification and evangelization.
FAITH AND INTEGRATIONReceive a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic faith through study of scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, along with apologetics, church history, holistic sexuality, philosophy, and more. Gain insight into the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian community. Together, these areas of study contribute to a well-rounded understanding of Catholicism and foster a deeper connection to God and the Church.
EVANGELIZATIONBe formed into a passionate disciple of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit serving the Church’s urgent call for a new evangelization. Learn foundational and practical principles of how to share your faith and lead others into a deeper love for Jesus.
OUTREACHGrow in confidence through experience! With support, guidance and encouragement, students will have opportunities to organize and lead ministry events such as youth groups, camps, school/parish retreats, prayer meetings, and more. Learn to have intentional faith conversations and how to engage in peer evangelization.
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