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Discpleship Formation Program

Experience Growth and Transformation

Forming Disciples

The Discipleship Formation Program is a year for young Catholics to live in community, to study the Catholic faith with the head and the heart, to develop their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to grow in their missionary zeal through evangelization and ministry.

Missionary Zeal

We live and grow together so that united in faith we can step out in confidence to make Jesus known in our communities. Our students respond to the call of a new evangelization during their year through outreach initiatives in the local Manitoba Catholic dioceses, and they are privileged to witness the Holy Spirit at work touching hearts and minds of many children and youth. 

    You'll receive guidance in letting Jesus truly be your Lord and to living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit, leading to a love of God, neighbour and self. Rooted in the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, students foster a love of the Eucharist, devotion to our Blessed Mother, and the use of the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit as essential elements for sanctification and evangelization.
    Our year includes many forms of prayer: daily mass, holy hour, rosary, inner-healing prayer, personal prayer, praise & worship, prayer meetings, liturgy of the hours. Each of these expressions open our hearts to God's love and lay a solid foundation of a deeper relationship with Him for the rest of our lives.
    We strive to build a healthy loving community through sharing daily life centered around Christ. We recognize that it is His abundant grace that helps us grow in virtue and the ability to relate well with each other. Regular community gatherings and activities are prioritized helping to build strong trusting friendships.
    Receive a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic faith through the study of Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic Social Teaching, Apologetics, Church History, Holistic Sexuality, Philosophy, and more. Together, these areas of study contribute to a well-rounded understanding of Catholicism and foster a deeper connection to God and His Church.
    Be formed into a passionate disciple of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit serving the Church’s urgent call for a new evangelization. Learn foundational and practical principles such as developing healthy social skills, giving one’s personal testimony, presenting spiritual skits, creating large group retreat presentations, facilitating small faith sharing groups, understanding the steps to conversion to Christ, building one-on-one faith conversations, and more to help you share your faith and lead others to a deeper love for Jesus.
    Grow in confidence through experience! With support and guidance, students will have opportunities to organize and lead ministry retreats in schools, parishes, youth groups, camps, prayer meetings and more.


What does it cost?

Discover important dates and view samples of the entire school year at a glance. Find out all the details about tuition fees and payment due dates.


View the courses offered

Click here to download a copy of the curriculum detailing the different content covered throughout the year.

Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
Box 570, 60 Nadeau Place, Saint Malo, MB., R0A 1T0

Phone: 204-347-5396 Fax: 866-636-7783


Registered Charity: # 13441 2998 RR0001

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